A Tour Through Decades

A Tour Through Decades is an exhibit that feels truly personal for me. This exhibit is about fashion and history, my two favorite topics in the world. The strongest reason why I decided to make a whole exhibit about fashion is because, with so many awful things happening in the world right now, sickness, hunger, deportations; I thought well, we deserve a pause from all that, we deserve a break into something else that makes our hearts beat with excitement and let our eyes absorb colors and figures that we enjoy. I said to myself, since I will be spending a good part of my last semester thinking and working on this exhibit, I might as well choose a topic that I love.The approach I took was searching for information about how people dressed in their according decade and why or how some of the most important trends of the time came to be. I looked up information from multiple sources and I used photographs taken only from the chosen decades and not any modern retro inspired version of it. My target audience are people who are interested mainly in fashion. What I ended up producing was a total of three projects, first, A Tour Through Decades Poster, A Tour Through Decades Infographic and A Tour Through Decades as a part of a phone application. All projects are digital media works.