
For my project, I came up with Utopia: Music and Arts Festival (2022) is the creation of a graphic design concept of a multidisciplinary experience unifying live music acts with visual, performance, and institutional artists from around the world. The festival aims to encourage discovery, spark curiosity, and build community.

Utopia is the origin of a place of ideal perfection, the concept of a perfect society in which people have the same interests and are happy. The perfect paradise that does not exist, but which we all dream of anyway. This concept helps describe the experience of an ideal festival that people would consider the ideal aesthetical place

As a designer, I must keep in mind how our environment, society and beliefs are constantly changing. And us as artists, we need to embrace it and learn to be open minded. I want my art to be remembered, but also, I need to learn to take critique and feedback from others because it helps me to improve and be better next time.