Fresh Fit

Fresh Fit is an athleisure-wear brand that focuses on keeping its target audience feeling comfortable in their own clothes. I came up with the idea of Fresh Fit simply because I love dressing comfortably while keeping nice and cool. I typically wear gym clothes or just clothing that prevents my body from heating up too quickly. The RGV can be a very humid/hot place, but thanks to a little research, and the right materials, it doesn't have to feel that way all the time. I found out that clothing made of 95% cotton and 5% spandex kept the body cooler compared to other fabric blends, it also allows for wicking to occur.

I specifically chose athleisure-wear because it can be worn by the average gym-goer, or the average person. Athleisure-wear is made for anyone that enjoys looking stylish while staying fresh and comfortable, all while on-the-go. Exercising is very therapeutic to me, as well as to many others. Adding comfort and style while staying fit is just the cherry on top. I hope that with this project, I can create a design or two that stands out.