Darby Sparks

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Artist Statement

personal logo I was born and raised in Harlingen, Texas. Growing up I always had a love for drawing. To say I was committed to the cause would be an understatement. So many VHS clamshells were destroyed due to my attempts to re-create the cover art using whatever tools – crayons, paints, pencils- I had in my immediate vicinity, much to the chagrin of my parents. As I grew older, I further developed my skills taking a personal interest in the human form. At the age of 14, I moved with my family to San Antonio, Texas. I began my art career in high school. I continued the pursuit well into college, starting at San Antonio College. I am particularly well versed in drawing and painting as a result. In 2018, I transferred to the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley in Edinburg.

In my art, I create projects and choose subject matter that captures my interest of daily life. I seek to understand how we, as human beings, interact and live in our surroundings. I’ve always believed that we are all connected through a mixture of insignificant events, patterns, items, and habits. Language, emotion, and intent can be easily translated into art. Colors have different meanings and can signify different emotions. Lines carry weight, energy, and can imitate movement. I explore my thoughts on connection to the world and others through my explorations in color, shape, pattern, and texture. I create connections that I can understand to the world with my artwork. Through these experiments in art, I seek to know how I fit into this world and amongst those who surround me. Art is communication and I seek to communicate with those around me through visual means. Art is a language.


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