Briano C. Guzman

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Artist Statement

personal logoFreedom is at the center of everything I do. I believe everyone should have the right to govern their own life freely without judgement and ridicule. I want the freedom to pursue anything and everything I want and help everyone who is unable or just needs a push. When I first began my journey to enlightenment and self-fulfillment, the thing that I learned first was that we are the only person we can always count on and everyone else can either accompany or be an obstacle. Life is something meant to be enjoyed and experienced, ad unfortunately not everyone is able to do that.

The world I was born into has so much wrong with it and it’s going further and further away from being able to be fixed. Not everything in life has to have a purpose but when we live with a purpose is when we are able to do our best. I do not doubt that my need to reach my goals has driven me past where I would’ve been had I not found purpose. Life without purpose is meaningless and purpose is beautiful.

I found the beauty that I could create as well as the difference of expression I can give each work. I often listen to songs of different genres and create various things to allow the energy to carry my pen/pencil and give each work their own feel. The emotion and feeling I can give my works surprises me every time and I love sharing my work not for blind praise but so I can tell people “You can do it too” when they say “I could never.” Giving others the hope that took me so long to find is what I strive to do. Not everything I do has to have a massive impact, but if everything has at least a small impact then I can be satisfied knowing I made a difference.

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