
Hello! My name is Sirena Ramirez and I have a driving passion for design and creativity. My purpose as an artist/designer is to express myself creatively and as authentically as possible and to be a positive impact on others. I often find myself holding back or not allowing myself to be completely open, however when it comes to expressing myself through art, I feel a sense of serenity. All aspects of art seem to grab my attention including fashion, photography, graphic design and painting.

For my senior exhibit project, I have designed a fashion style brand named “SIREN” that is a representation of my personal style. The inspiration to begin a brand came from designer, Tommy Hilfiger and his story that started his career as a designer. As a child, Hilfiger did not feel confident in clothing he found in stores and therefor began designing his own. My brand, “SIREN”, represents the mythological creature that is known for their mesmerizing capabilities, and it is also my name. The style of clothing I chose is a blend of urban and trendy street style, which I hope others can gravitate towards and feel comfortable and confident in wearing. I have assembled multiple items to represent my brand including a poster, a catalogue, fashion photography and a magazine cover. With the help of Adobe, I have incorporated the use of InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop to design and create my brand products.