Sirena Ramirez

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Artist Statement

Since I can remember, I have always been drawn to arts and crafts and have been in touch with my creative side. When I was in grade school, I was very fond of drawing, designing clothing, and creating collages. In fourth grade I had a teacher who encouraged my talent in art and signed me up for art contests which I received awards for. In high school, for a class project, I painted a Picasso replica, and when I started getting offers from classmates to purchase my project, I realized I had a talent I could benefit from. After that, I began using my skills to create more paintings of my personal interests to put up on my bedroom wall. I started a small business selling paintings from that point on, and now have branched my interests into interior design, ceramics, graphic design and fashion. I’d very much like to learn about different aspects of art and design and see which one I choose to make the most of.

Although I am currently a graphic design major, my dream is to one day have clothes that I design come to life and be presented online and in boutiques. I would love if men and women can wear the clothing I create and feel empowered. I know when I have an outfit that I feel represents me well, I feel unstoppable and confident, and I’d like to do that for others. As of my current work, I find it important to express my uniqueness and translate that through my hard work, design style, and presentation.

I am mainly influenced by photography artists and fashion designers amongst the art community. I feel that I value the work put into understanding concepts having to do with photography and clothing, since it is a big part of my daily interests. I am fond of designers Christian Dior, Paul Marciano, Jeremy Scott and also small business designers. My favorite photographer is Amber Asaly, as she photographs in mainly film and takes all parts of the photo and the model into consideration.

I tend to be inspired by day-to-day sightings or my own imagination and then I follow with a plan. I begin by gathering ideas and materials and quickly get to work. A plan is good to have, however if things get off track and new ideas arise, then I allow my creativity to flow. If a problem arises, then I work to fix it if fixable or simply work around it and develop an alternative idea.


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