
Hello my name is Karla Cavazos, and for my BFA project I decided to do a Music Festival.

I was interested in this subject because I’ve always though it was cool and creative how the festivals promote all their line up, merch, etc.

For this festival I wanted to give it a psychedelic look, since the music that is being played is alternative/rock.

My target audience is anyone from the age of 18-60, who enjoys music and loves to dance.

For my project 1, I designed a poster for the line up of the festival, then for project 2 I designed merchandise, and for project 3 I designed the mock up of a website and the Instagram page.

The creative process for Kali Music Festival, started with creating a mood board, then doing sketches and bringing them into Adobe and the programs I used were Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe XD.

project 3