Josue Garcia

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Artist Statement

personal logoI’ve always struggled with instability. I grew up in two countries and in countless homes. I found that through all the moving my creativity stayed consistent. No matter where I was, or who I was around, I was always creating. I liked to make my own toys and draw my own pictures to color in.From then to now, art has been in my life through all the rough moments. This led me to find a passion for art and design. I create for emotional release and expression. I find it difficult to speak about my feelings, so I’m more comfortable channeling those feelings into my work both directly and indirectly. I hope to connect to people that are like me. I want them to feel comfort in my work and reassurance that they’re not alone in how they feel or think. I hope to shine a light on where I’m from to let people know there’s a world of creatives that need a financial or scholarly opportunity. I find myself lost in Lucian Freud’s work. I am infatuated by the psychological concepts in his work. He inspired me to search within and use my experiences and identity to create concepts for my work. I live my life as an artist, I find inspiration in my everyday life that comes from experiences, media, and my thoughts. I think there’s always a way to improve life with art and design.


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