Jose Garcia

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Artist Statement

personal logoMy involvement in art stemmed from escapism. The tools to create were presented to me at a young age, the need to lose myself in creating happened later. Seeing so many things that inspire me gave me more purpose to create beauty.

Through my work I hope to create a solid realization and grasp on the idea that in death there is life. Slowly realizing that we all meet the same fate is something that should be more universal. Through my life, and through my life being reflected in my work, I hope to let people see that death is just as beautiful as life. I love representing death and life closely together, making metaphors of skulls and flowers.

My methodology is kept afloat through sheer optimism. I know there's a way to do anything in this life, so I never want to turn down an idea simply because I can't make it work in my head at that time. As with any problem, I envision solutions and paths that I can take to offer me varying results. I try things, I waste time, all for the sake of finding that one piece of work that scrapes the itch in my brain just right.


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