Interactive Publishing

My graphic design journey has been a journey in discovering what mediums I work best in as well as what I simply appreciate, and in said journey, I’ve found that I greatly enjoyed the freedoms in making layouts for magazines, and so it seemed only natural to want to create a magazine for my senior exhibition project. In this case, I wanted to do cover a topic in which I am and always have been quite passionate about, which is animation. In creating a magazine, several things had to be taken into consideration, such as what it was exactly I was to cover in said magazine, was it to be 2D animation, 3D, or even both? Was I going to cover only one animation software or several? In the end, I decided I wanted the magazine, Animation Station to cover a broad range of topics within the animation umbrella as to appeal as many animators as possible. From then, it was a matter of designing the magazine itself. One of the biggest challenges in this process was in finding imaging. I personally am not that far in my 3D animation journey to the point where I can actually make my own models for the magazine. That is advanced skills. I was able to, however, import open source models from other animators and use them to pose for the magazine. In my articles, I wanted to discuss the latest in animation news, so I have full, researched articles I wrote on new features in animation programs as well as new innovations in animation tech as well as film news. Because the company that produces the magazine, (a creation of my own, dubbed Interactive Design) is a company that caters to print media and interactive media, I knew I had to have an app or a website. The last thing I made for the exhibit is the Animation Station app, which features all the content of the magazine, but on an app, which allows for things like gifs and videos and much more resources in general for animators seeking community help. Overall, I am very pleased with the final results and I hope you love it as much as I do.