Denise Chapa

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Artist Statement

personal logoArt has always been a huge part of my life. I’ve been drawing ever since I could hold a pencil. I would practice drawing using images I found online. I took art classes in middle school and my teachers would always encourage me to keep working with art. In high school I started drawing realistic photos of my favorite celebrities or movie characters. I also discovered graphic design in high school. Which led me to pursuing it as a degree in college. I originally had no plans of going to college after graduating high school. But graphic design certainly led me to the right path. It’s important that my work, specifically my illustrations, stands out. To have a wow factor. I work creatively. I come up with creative solutions to my problems and that is what has been getting me through everything. I’m also a perfectionist, and I will work till everything fits my vision. I’m very critical of myself. Which pushes me to work until I’m happy with the result. 

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