Brayan Barajas

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Artist Statement

personal logoI became interested in the arts since I was very little. I have always been creative, whether it was by painting with watercolor or drawing on the walls (which my mom absolutely hated). As I grew older, I wasn’t as active when it came to the arts, it was little drawings here and there, but I was still really interested. When I got to high school, that’s when my love for art started to grow and made me think if this is something I wanted to pursue. During my high school years, I did a little bit of everything that was offered when it came to being creative by the arts such as painting, photography, logo design, magazine design, website design. It wasn’t until I got to university that I thought that I was meant for this, being involved in the arts has made me feel free and allowed me to be creative and express myself through whatever I was making which feels so good. I just know that I want to keep doing this for the rest of my life.

My personal philosophy is that everything is trial and error, just because you don’t succeed at something it doesn’t mean that you’re bad at it. You just must keep working on it, applying yourself and never giving up. I was born in Mexico, and where I come from, I don’t remember seeing people doing art, so I want to be able to show that if pursuing art is something that you want to do, whether it be painting, drawing, photography,or digital art, you can achieve it. You just must be passionate about what you love doing.

I have always worked my best when feeling creatively inspired. I just love having the freedom to create something I believe in and that gives me joy. As for how I solve my problems, when I’m feeling stuck, I try to do research to come up with a solution. I never give up even if it takes me a while to get there.

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