
On July 19th, 2021, I was diagnosed with eye cancer and in September I, unfortunately,lost my right eye. For my final project,I wanted to implement this difficult life event that I have been going through these past month sin a subtle way. The name of this album is OMMETA which is derived from the word ommetaphobia, which is the extreme fear of eyes. Ommeta is not a real word so I have created my own definition for the word. For the past year, my vision had been deteriorating slowly, and only in the summer months had I noticed the drastic change. When I was diagnosed, my life turned upside down and the fear and anxiety of it all settled in. Ommeta is that feeling put into a word as well as the fear of the unknown future and the new life I must get used to as someone who is partially blind.In the photo, the model, which happens to be my sister, represents me. The artist of this album goes by the name Daisy, which is the same flower the model is holding over her eye. Daisies also happen to be a part of my life significantly. I have a bouquet of daisies tattooed on my right wrist as a tribute to one of my favorite musical artists.It was one of my first meaningful tattoos and I have used that flower as a way to describe myself ever since. For the cover of the album,I decided to use an analog-like photo for the snapshot aesthetic. I wanted to recreate the feeling of “living in the moment” with the photo and highlight the imperfections of life. Going along with the theme of imperfections, I implemented hand-drawn illustrations onto the physical CD design. This also gives the project a sense of personalization as it represents my personal journey through the difficulties.