Bianca Pena

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Artist Statement

personal logoArt has been a part of my family for as long as I can remember. Growing up, my mother created wonderful pieces of work with pencils and pens as her primary medium. She drew everything from landscapes to portraits and even took on a job that required interior design sketching. That carried on when I was born. I looked up to my mother and made art alongside her. I drew lots and painted even more throughout my school years. I crafted many things from sculptures to collages and started photography as a hobby. When it was time to choose a career path, it had already been settled that art was something I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I had experience with most forms of art with the exception of graphic design. I decided to try something that I have never done and pursue a degree in a form of art that was new to me.

Throughout my years at the university, I have learned many things beyond the creative lessons. I have learned that visual artists and designers are creating for varied reasons. Visual artists create for viewers which results in individual interpretations that are beyond the artists’ hands. Designers, on the other hand, create for the sole purpose of solving a problem.

Anybody can create art but not everyone can create meaning beyond the canvas or art board.


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