Aidee Pina

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Artist Statement

I became involved in art around 2015after realizing that I was never good at openly expressing my own emotions and as life continued, it became increasingly difficult to describe my feelings, oftentimes coming off as stoic or having my reactions seem forced or in-genuine. I found that doing things such as painting, drawing, taking up digital illustrations helped with expressing messages that I couldn’t convey before. Communication Design was an interest because of the remarkable aspect of conveying signs in convenient and efficient ways. In most of my work, I do my best to make something that can describe the inner workings of my head. I like to make my works feel straightforward and as direct as possible. I like the thought of making things feel comfortable and easy to understand, with the use of soft colors. I work in a methodical approach, usually accompanied with many kinds of ways to tackle down a project. I am not the kind to be scared asking for help from fellow peers or my own friends, especially when I’m asking for an opinion.

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