Jacqueline Contreras

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Artist Statement

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Hello, my name is Jacqueline Contreras and I enjoy the simple things in life: I look for inspiration in the world around me. I am someone who loves to learn new aspects of graphic design. I like to challenge myself in creating new designs that will leave an impression on someone.

Since childhood, art has always been a part of my life, I just hadn’t realized it until I was already in college. When I was a child I became interested with other cultures after watching the movie, Mulan. I was fascinated the different colors, textures, and shapes of their art and calligraphy. I was always drawing and creating my “art” from whatever material I could get my hands on; I was always trying to see what I else I could make. I had found a way of expressing myself, using little to no words. However, as I grew older, I was, subtly pushed towards another passion that could provide me with a secure future. Which I did, choosing nursing as my degree, however along this journey to a stable career, art was never far away me. I would take art classes as electives while doing nursing classes, however I was not happy. I came to the decision to go towards art because that’s where I felt I belonged. Art is a never-ending journey where you’re constantly discovering yourself and your personal style as an artist. Graphic design has opened the doors for me to create beautiful communication design and exciting new visuals.”. I have found a way to express my thoughts and ideas. My hope is for my designs to help others tell their story and share their ideas and beliefs to the world around them.


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