
This exhibit will be a combination of all things considered art. The creation of Nuclear as a creative collective will become an open environment to awaken the mind. Nuclear is a place of freedom and creativity, in this environment built for designers and artists we will come together to bring to life the ideas of the mind. By working together in a space that has no judgment but endless support, knowledge, sharing and networking experiences. The images you’ll see in the posters will be bold and loud. This will give attention to any person that comes across our media. Our facility was named Nuclear because an explosion of creative freedom will blow the roof off. All these people will come together and feel confident in themselves to be able to work on their ideas. At the same time, we want people to feel invited, our gallery will show an artist’s works of art for two weeks giving enough time for the community to share in the experience. Our facility has studio spaces for rent, this will give the creators a place to work on projects. We want this place to feel like their home away from home. The facility is able to keep their supplies safe and secure.

Designers will have technology rooms supplied with the latest computers and software in order to work on their designs and website projects. Whatever creative practices that people have will be able to be displayed in this space along with lessons and private teachings will be available to our tenants for free. Everybody is different and have a different way of working on pieces, this will allow for a shared learning experience. As a creator myself I feel like it will be a great benefit to learn how others solve creative conflicts. No one thing is greater than another, equally the designers and artist will be able to use the tools provided to them. All will be able to share their works of art. The gallery will prepare the artist for future exhibits he/she will do in their lifetime. Now more than ever as creatives we must grow together and not pin artist against each other. We are all the same in a way when we want to express how we feel in our art. Here at Nuclear we want to break the stigma of the art world of pinning artist against each other, we want you to feel safe and create without any interference from the outside world.