Caraway White Whiskey

As a tween I would go to liquor stores in Mexico with my dad. I would be transfixed with the many different label and bottle designs. I believe this experience contributed to my decision to become a designer in the first place. In homage to these memories and the impact they had in shaping my intrigue with visual communications, I wanted to make a moonshine brand. Moonshine is in emerging product in the liquor industry. Marketing for Moonshine strives to strip the illegal connotation of producing such a product but keeps the rustic and humble origins of the beverage. Usually bottling the liquor in mason jars with traditional seal logos and labels. I drew inspiration from The Great Gatsby, which has recently been added to the public domain. The book takes place during prohibition, but drinking is prevalent in film adaptions and the book. The alcohol found at a Gatsby party is moonshine, also known as white whiskey. Caraway distinguishes itself from the masses by its wealthy, classy, and elegant marketing. After all, it’s a drink that could be found at the most extravagant of parties, a Gatsby one.