Sandra A. Leal

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Artist Statement

I don’t remember when I became involved in art, as far back as I can remember there was always some form of art I was dabbling in, from drawing and painting to sculpture. I have always enjoyed creating things, I remember my mother always surrounding me with arts and crafts supplies. As I grew up my love for photography became a major front runner in something I was thinking of studying. When I started studying, I quickly realized that graphic design and visual communications was something I thoroughly enjoyed, it was a way of still making art a bit more useful and innovative. I believe I fully committed to communication design and expression after taking a color studies class. I realized how color played such a big part in the things you create by how they come across, and that it was more than just putting designs on a piece of paper. I also love the freedom that communication design gives me. I don’t have to keep doing the same thing every day, I can always change up the kind of projects I work on and it keeps me creative.

I, personally, enjoy making art that reflects nature, the shapes, and colors you would find out in the forest. A lot of what I make involves nature in one way or another, whether they are actual designs, or colors/textures. Another thing that inspires my design is shapes and how they fit together. I love working with geometric design and creating something beautiful with line work. What’s important to me about my design is that it communicates effectively, while still being interesting and textured. I would love to have designs that communicate the intended meaning whether there are words involved or not, something that gets the message across. I hope that my design can be pleasing to the eye and have created movement and patterns that interlock and imitate the way life is. I hope someday my designs inspire people to get out in nature and pull from the beauty that surrounds us. There are so many ideas that can be inspired by nature and I hope my design does that for people.


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