Fruta & Menta

My project, Fruta & Menta, is inspired by my mother and her passion for writing. She has a Tumblr account where, for years, she has shared her writings and short poems. I decided to compile some of her best work, translate it and create a bilingual poetry book. Her poems are originally written in her native language, Spanish, but were translated to English by my copy editor, also known as my sister. Translating the writings to English will allow English speakers to enjoy them as well. Digital illustrations inspired by linocut techniques accompany the poems, combining my love for printmaking and graphic design.

This is a family project since my mom is the writer, my sister the copywriter and I’m the illustrator/designer who’s putting it together.

Fruta & Menta Book / Size: 8.5in x 8.5in / Medium: Digital Media