Wildlife Restaurare

My project serves to educate the community about endangered species of animals throughout the whole world, through the art of illustrations and storytelling. It is a rather die or subject to talk about one that when you get down to the facts and reasoning as to why animals go extinct can be quite depressing. However, my book serves to communicate this through a fun understandable and colorful expression that is Art.

Despite the fact that my degree is graphic design I am very much an illustrator at heart. I knew that going into my BFA I wanted to create a project that would showcase and challenge my illustration skills paired with my technical skills as a graphic designer. Furthermore I knew that I wanted to work with something that I am passionate about which is animals. I am more kin to drawing furry four-legged animals though I’ve been wanting to venture out to draw other animals such as primates and birds. The true challenge of this project was simplifying the animals design to fit the aesthetics of a children’s book.

I used procreate to draw and sketch out the designs of the animals and InDesign to format the book and insert the text boxes. Going into the color scheme and illustrative style aspect of the book. I knew that I wanted to sort of reflect Japanese Kawaii art while at the same time having a very textured pencil look. I’m proud that I’ve gotten this far in the creation of this project. I’ve never worked on something like this before and after my BFA I am confident that I’ll be able to handle other big scale projects moving forward.