Stephanie Garza


Artist Statement


Oh, hello! I’m Stephanie Garza. Designing allows for me to inspire others with fresh designs. From the time I decided to become a graphic designer I have since matured into an individual who is capable of understanding a more profound meaning to life than our everyday occurrences. A few things to describe myself; sarcasm, elephants, hippie lifestyles, and life beyond death.

As most of my classmates, art has been a major part of my life as well as having plenty of influencers throughout my educational years that have made an impact in my art by allowing me to feel comfortable within my decision making. The progress that has been made has been entirely made up of self-interest and curiosity to further my knowledge. Within my work I am found of covering a broad range from life to death. The truth, or rather, my ‘AXIOM’ in my work are topics that occur on a quotidian cycle. I have an inner hope that society will view a work of mine and realize this earth we live on is the only known livable planet and will come together to change our ways as well as becoming more open minded.


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