Ledomi F&S Wear

Ledomi Sole Infographic / 24” x 30” / A model showing the breakdown of a sneaker

Ledomi Sole Infographic / 24” x 30” / A model showing the breakdown of a sneaker

With these Ledomi mockups “A habitual vision of greatness” campaign, I intend to inspire individuals to dream, create, push themselves and act with a persistent hunger for a goal. This work is important to me because I myself remember on many occasions saying crazy things like “I’m going to accomplish said goal by next year”. Throughout the journey I’ve been met with obstacles, and it’s important for me to constantly visualize the end of my goals to keep the hunger going by doing whatever it takes to attain it. In the end this piece has become another way of where my life formed itself together slowly evolving from working as a sales associate in footwear during my college career, growing into a passion for footwear, business, & fashion design. This mockup in itself is one of my visions that I too am striving towards and now where I see myself in life after graduation.

Store Campaign poster / 24” x 30” / Visual aesthetic for campaign.

Store Campaign poster / 24” x 30” / Visual aesthetic for campaign.

Retail Shoe Rebox Mockup / 24” X 16” / A visual of the shoe box for our company.

Retail Shoe Rebox Mockup / 24” X 16” / A visual of the shoe box for our company.