Laura Becerra

laura becerra large picture

Artist Statement


My name is Laura Becerra. I am a fan of all things nerdy, and quirky. I find inspiration within art, music and interior design.

I can’t necessarily remember the exact moment when I became involved with art. However, I do know that my relationship with art developed organically. As a child I’d constantly look at the video game packaging from the video games we owned. I remember staring at these pieces and feeling a sense of joy. They were simple illustrations that were colorful and lively, but I found them to be intriguing. Eventually my admiration towards the art grew into a desire to create my own. The art that I create is an extension of my personality, and a nod to the simplistic illustrations that I enjoyed viewing as a child. These works tend to be simple, colorful, and playful. I hope that through my quirky designs I can inspire and bring joy to others. If the art that I create can make you smirk or make you feel joyful then it served its purpose.


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