Juan Sanchez

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Artist Statement


Everything I learned about graphic design I learned underground. I grew up aware of art and fine artists. But I knew nothing of design. I first encountered the concepts of solving problems creatively, communicating ideas, incorporating culture, and discovering beauty in unusual places, in an unusual place,100 ft below the surface of the earth.

On a childhood trip to Mexico City, I experienced the thrill of riding the subway. As the roller coaster sensations faded, I became transfixed by the imagery used for its wayfinding system. Each station is assigned a color and minimalist icon that represents the surrounding neighborhood. I was able to follow along on a metro map and learned of the context of each image. Years later I discovered that the icons were the work of graphic designer Lance Wyman and his team. They were part of a transit design system that was meant to help people navigate the new metro system. One of the main challenges at the time was the high rate of illiteracy, and icons were a way of communicating with everyone.

My work is the process of translating thoughts and ideas through a visual message. I take inspiration from the work of designers such as Wyman and Shigeo Fukuda, who appealed to the world’s shared humanity and used universal imagery to break through language and cultural barriers. This purpose is what I find most exciting about graphic design. Designing and building websites allows me the ability to create work for myself and others. It is directly interconnected with the user. By combining photography and illustration digitally, I can shape the conversation as I explore and propose solutions to problems. I strive to find a balance between my vision and the user’s ideas. Ultimately, I create work that must work.


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