Grecia Vargas

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Artist Statement


Hi everyone my name is Grecia Vargas and I believe every creation has been made from constant learning of new things throughout my Graphic Design career. The obstacles in my life were the inspiration for my artistry in Graphic Design.

Every creation has been made from constant learning of new things throughout my Graphic Design career. The obstacles in my life were the inspiration for my art is tryin Graphic Design. One of the inspiring things throughout my life has been music. Ever since I was a teenager,I been creating works that have been inspired by music. I was introduced to the world of marching band during a young age. The understanding of coming together as a culture within music was life changing experience. While sketching a format of the design, I introduce ideas from the music I have listened throughout the day. I decided to give back to the community what I have learned about my experiences as an artist.One of the reasons I became a Graphic Designer was to make a mark on the next generations to come. Now technology is already a main source for the youth and I myself have seen how it has affected my own family. I want them to see what my generation has experience. Part of my goal is to join the traditional style with the new concepts of design. To let the next generation,know that working with design can be a way of expressing appreciation to traditional design and make it your own.


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