Daisy Garcia

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Artist Statement


My name is Daisy Garcia I enjoy creating digital illustrations and making designs that challenge me. Graphic design is my focus when it comes to art, but I enjoy exploring other unique art forms as well. Art has always been a part of life and I wish to continue to make art for as long as I live.

The act of creativity has always been a part of my life from a young age. My interest in art has grown throughout my life starting from a young age. My now grown love for art started with drawing on and expanded into other traditional medias. As I entered my teenage years my interest expanded into digital art. Although I had an interest in digital art during my high school years, I lacked the resources to explore that art form. It wasn’t until I began college that I really got the chance to begin developing my skills in digital art. As an artist it is important to me to explore different art forms but the one that attracts my attention the most is designing. With my graphic design work, I like to try and push myself to create things that are simple but interesting. I would like my work to be more than just something interesting to look at. I would like for my designs and art to be a functional part of society.


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