Amanda Garza


Artist Statement

amanda garza personal brand logo

Hello, my name is Amanda Marie, a shy yet creative girl bursting with creativity and sweat. I enjoy illustration, publication design, and branding development. When I’m not working on design related work, I occasionally like looking up frogs and creating elaborate stories in my head. As silly as it sounds, I hope to one day start my own business that revolves around selling cute artwork and fun stationary.

My passion for art and design started when I was young. From coloring on the living room walls to proudly presenting my subpar drawings to my parents I grew up wanting to become an artist and implement what I loved into my daily life. Whether I was a painter or an interior designer if I was able to express myself in a creative way, I knew I would be content. As I became older my parents began to worry, not only for me, but for my upcoming future. They constantly pushed me to find another passion that could potentially put a roof over my head. As my high school graduation became closer I also knew it was time for me to make a choice on what my future could hold. I wondered if my dream could become reality and I doubted my ability to make it in ‘the real world’. Many times, I had wondered why I wasn’t gifted in a more stable and in demand career like math or nursing so I wouldn’t have to worry my parents about the stability of my future. Looking back on my past the biggest problem I had was doubting myself with my decisions when it came to my future and even my own art pieces. I had eventually decided to pursued teaching and had found myself in an Early Education major when I entered collage. At the time I had thought that if I continued along this path, I would eventually learn to love it and quickly find a job.

It wasn’t until my second semester of university, after a talk with an advisor, that I should choose a career for myself. Art is an ever-continuous journey of finding one's self and creating a style that defines what they visually like about the world around them. I’m still growing as an artist and at times I still consider myself uncertain about the upcoming future questioning if I had made the right choices to get me to where I am now. Since then I have found a part-time job in my field and have made connection’s with other designers around me. After putting that into consideration I become much more confident in the choices I’ve made.


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