Alina Lewis


Artist Statement

ayleen alanis personal brand logo

Hey, Hi, Hello! My names Alina Lewis, and I believe every great design first begins with a great story. My passion is to help create designs that will help catch the eyes and heart of audiences. You’ll most likely find me with a cup of coffee in one hand and my laptop in the other. I have the golden rule deeply rooted within me, partnered with strong opinions and a willingness and desire to grow. My hope is that my design capabilities go beyond a paper, to influence people to an action, whether it be listening to a record, reading a book, or drink a coffee.

I’m a designer. I believe every great design begins with a great story. Born and raised in a special little border town, I have the desire and passion to create things which bring people closer and reflect community and culture in a way that is relevant and engaging. Every human is a creator, I just decided to hone my creativity towards graphic design. There are so many amazing businesses in the world with a great story, yet because of their graphics or branding they don’t get the recognition they deserve. My goal is to create their story to be eye-catching and relevant to capture attention. You’ll most likely find me with a cup of coffee in one hand and my laptop in the other. I have the golden rule deeply rooted within me, partnered with strong opinions and a willingness and desire to grow. My hope is that my design capabilities go beyond a paper, to influence people to an action, no matter if the action is to drink coffee, eat a concha, go to church, or read a book.


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