Alejandro Flores


Artist Statement


Hello, my name is Alejandro Flores, also a walking music box once you get to know me. Illustration and Photography is one of my top passions, as well as animating. I like to pass my time surrounding myself with with inspirations left and right. When im not designing, music is the next best thing. I hope to make something out of myself in the near future, where i can design for a living and music for the soul.

Art has always been a part of my life.I remember my first design and how I continuously wanted to pursue graphic design afterwards. Even as a child I strived from my best work. I prefer designing to anything else, as it has more potential in it to embrace the artist’s emotions and can contain more depth and concept than any other media. Beinga graphic designer has made me and giving me the confidence to go about things, how to approach situations and work better, and overall,how to create strong innovative works, bursting with emotions.It’sbeen a journey so far, and I am not regretting the bonds I formed,and friendships made along the way, for everything to this point has molded me to become this powerful individual I am today, showing my potential and capabilities through my works.Art has always been a part of my life. At first, entering college I didn’t know what I wanted, or what career choice to go about. I had to self-evaluate myself as I was finishing my basics, only then did I decide art was going to be reintroduced to me, not as a hobby, but as a career choice. What sparked my interest from being a graphic designer over the years was the immense amount of inspiration from various talented illustrators, such as Dan Mumford. As far as album covers, branding and screen print’s to newinterpretations of classic film posters and albums, that’s what Mumford is all about. There is so much to being a graphic designer, and getting people to look at my work and being impacted by it, is everything I could ever want.


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