RTC - Ride The Classic

For my exhibit, I decided to do a Classic Car Show. I was interested in doing the classic car show because I am so fascinated on the fact that there are cool and interesting in how the history of cars have progressed. For this exhibit, I did three projects, a poster, a magazine, and an app. I wanted to approach this exhibit in a very minimalistic way by showing one of my passion that I have for cars and showing what I know. With a lot of trial and error along the making of this project, with the help of Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign, I was able to create my Senior Exhibit. For my poster I was influenced by a poster I have in my room but kept it on the simpler side to not look the identical to the existing poster. For my magazine, I looked though a lot of magazines and that where I got the inspiration in doing my project. For my third project, I decided to go for an app where people could have it right on their phones and look through all the shows that have been in the past and also get information on how to enter the contest and prepare for it. It was a struggle to come up and design these but at the end it was worth it and I am very proud with the results.