For my senior exhibit project, I wanted to go with something of my main interests and what I wanted to follow in a near future. Editorial design is something that caught my attention since I was young, a teenager to be exact. This project was made with effort and determination, as it was also a challenge for me because it was a way to prove to me that designing magazines is what I really want and the field in which I feel comfortable. I really wanted to give it that editorial look that could make people think and believe that it is a real magazine, that it is something a person could see in the real world. BOLD is a lifestyle magazine in which people can find a lot of interesting topics, such as makeup, hairstyle, self-care, travel, music, etc. It combines all aspects of life, and it is updated to the modern world. In the making of this magazine, I did research on grid designs, columns layouts, advertising layouts, typography, and imagery. Rough drafts helped a lot with deciding which way to go, but at the end of the day, designing digitally had the last word. Most of the time I started with an idea and changed it while I was on the computer. Nothing came out as my drafts, there were little or substantial changes for sure. With this project I hope people can really see my design skills, creativity, and effort.