Ariana Garza

Artist Statement

I was introduced to art when I was in elementary school. I have always had a creative mind growing up, or so I’ve been told. I started off with dancing, drawing and singing and worked my way through all electives that included some form of art throughout middle school and high school such as theater arts and photography. I learned about graphic design when I was around 15 years old, and I was completely fascinated by it. I don’t think that my being involved in art was what led me to having an interest in communication design, since I was placed into a graphic design class by chance when I had moved cities; it was all they had left from the electives I could choose. Since then, I knew I wanted to be involved with communication design because my teacher Mr. B was so skilled and excited about teaching the subject that he made me want to learn more about. When I work, I need inspiration. So, I listen to music. Music helps me when I’m trying to be more creative and come up with ideas; especially when I’m stuck. I find that creating a mood board while listening to music helps so much when I don’t know what to create or my thoughts are just blank. Overall, I’m glad I came across graphic design/communication design. It’s something I really enjoy doing and look forward to making a career out of it.


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