Leslie Cantu

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Artist Statement

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At this moment in my life, I have mixed feelings about the ending of this beautiful journey. I have faced many changes through my college life, but at the end, I found out who I really was and what I really wanted to do for the rest of my life which is create.

Never forget to find out your passion, what makes your happy, that thing that your can keep doing and you will not be able to see how fast time has passed by because “when your work is your passion and happiness, it is no longer work”.

Since I was little, art was always around me. I used to paint my aunt’s vanity with her nail polish, and my grandfather always said that I was going to become an artist. Since then, my love for art has growing day by day, always putting all my effort into all I do. Working in a printing shop helped me set the direction for my education. Working in this environment opened up my eyes and made me see what I really wanted to do the rest of my life, which is create.

One of the most important things my mother taught me since I was young, is that if I am going to do something, no matter what it is, always give my best and work for the best possible results. God and my family have played a big part in my decisions and dreams. They are always pushing me to continue and they are always giving me their support when I know things are getting hard. “Work hard for your dreams, always give your best, and never give up”.


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