Giovana Guerrero

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Artist Statement

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Hi, I’m Giovana Guerrero and I’ve been interested in art for as long as I can remember. For me, art is a really powerful way to express myself, to use my voice, and to create an impact while doing something I love.

I’ve always considered myself a creative person. I feel like with art we can express ourselves and create an impact in many different ways. I started with photography, capturing special moments in my life that I felt needed to be captured so I could go back to them and appreciate them again. With my art I try to express myself, express how I’m feeling and express what I’m thinking. I hope my art can help make a change, I hope it can be the voice of others and also my own voice. I want to express what many of us are thinking and what needs to be said at the precise time. Inspiration wise, I really look up to artists that are helping make a change, the ones that aren’t scared to express what they think and feel about certain issues going on.


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