Adan Gallardo

adan gallardo photo

Artist Statement

gallax personal logo

Art has always been present in my life. Since I was a toddler I was surrounded by colors and art supplies, my mother is an artist who used to create piñatas for a living. I’ve always been interested in photography and in logo design. Artwork will always speak for an artist, it does not matter if the message the artist is trying to convey is fully, but at least for the artist the message should be there. I devotedly believe that art should be a message, a portrayal of what the artist is feeling or thinking and ways that it can have an impact, not only on their life, but on the viewers life as well. While working I try to stay focus only in one idea, one image that will help me create the rest of my work, I often find myself smoking a cigarette, brainstorming, once I get the idea, I start sketching it until I have a satisfactory rough sketch, from that point it’s a matter of perfecting the rough sketch until I have the desired design.


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