Design Competition

The Cross Connections 2024 International Competition in Visual Communication Design and Interactive/Emerging Media, hosted by the School of Art and Design at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV), features 25 awards and 27 honorable mentions across six categories. This design competition serves as a global platform to showcase the exceptional creative talents of students and faculty from over twenty higher education institutions worldwide.

Design Competition Award Winners

Design Competition Jurors

Categories of artwork:

  • Design Foundation
  • Typography
  • Illustration
  • Visual Communication Design
  • Marketing Graphic Design
  • Interactive and Emerging Media Design

Conflict-of-Interest Guidelines

When considering the potential ethical implications of participating in a competition hosted by UTRGV, it's essential to address concerns related to conflicts-of-interest and the perception of an unfair advantage. To uphold transparency and ensure that UTRGV's role as a hosting and curatorial institution doesn't compromise the competition's fairness and impartiality, and participants and judges are not influenced by UTRGV's hosting role, specific rules have been established by the curatorial committee of the Cross Connections 2024 event:

Faculty members from the hosting institution (UTRGV) are permitted to submit their work for consideration in the Cross Connections Juried Exhibition. However, their work must be selected by the jury panel. However, faculty work from the hosting institution is ineligible for awards in both the juried exhibition and the design competition.

Student work from the hosting institution (UTRGV) can participate in the Cross Connections Juried Exhibition and Design Competition to compete for various awards, including Gold Awards, Silver Awards, Bronze Awards, Honorable Mentions for the design competition, and Special Judging Awards of the Juried Exhibition. However, student work from the hosting institution is not eligible to compete for the Best of Show Award in the Juried Exhibition or the Grand Award in the design competition.

Guideline Regarding AI-Generated Work

To ensure the integrity and fairness of the Cross Connections 2024 International Design Competition, artworks created by applying generative AI technologies are allowing to participating in the Cross Connections exhibition and competition, however, the work can only be permitted to compete Creative Thinking Award and honorable mentions.