Jacqueline Trevino

Jacqueline Trevino

Name: Jacqueline Trevino
Age: 22
Major: Master of Science in Health Sciences Concentration in Healthcare Administration
College: College of Health Professions
Hometown: McAllen, TX
High School: James Nikki Rowe High School, McAllen, TX

I chose to continue my education at UTRGV after graduating with my Bachelor of Science in Biology. I knew how extensive and well-rounded my education experience was at UTRGV and was hyped to come back and pursue a master’s degree. Not to mention it’s easily accessible from where I live and has very competitive pricing per course hour.  

What made you decide on your current major?
The Master of Science in Health Sciences with concentration in Healthcare Administration really caught my attention after reviewing their course lists, timeframes, professors, and how all courses were online. Before the pandemic, I knew I needed to take courses online to manage my work to school time better. Plus, it is better to work at your own pace from home when challenging fast-paced modules require your attention. So far, I have greatly enjoyed all my modules and have learned a lot from my professors. I would highly recommend everyone that is considering on pursing this master’s to go ahead and do so.

How are you maneuvering being a student during the COVID-19 pandemic?
Since this course was all online before the pandemic, it did not really change much regarding assignments and submissions. However, working in healthcare got very challenging and long hours of work also made going home to study a bit difficult. Yet, having an end goal in mind is what kept pushing me to do my best in school. 

What are your greatest strengths and what are some challenges? 
The greatest strength during this time of the pandemic is my ability to adapt to all environments. I have been working very hard from home to keep good grades. The biggest challenge for me was the overworked hours at work and coming home to finish more work. 

What do you hope to achieve beyond completion of your major?
In the future, I would love to help combat the problems in healthcare and provide a just environment for all. 

What do you like most about UTRGV?
I love how everyone at UTRGV is so friendly and it is like a big community.

What does being a Vaquero mean to you?
Being a Vaquero means that you chose UTRGV and you will always choose UTRGV.   

What opportunities has UTRGV helped you find throughout your community?
Mostly during my undergraduate I did a lot of community hours through classes such as Community Engagement and Global Change Ecology. These courses taught me to engage more with the community where I reside and where they need the most help.

What advice do you have for fellow students pursuing degrees during the COVID-19 pandemic?
Keep pushing, sometimes we need a little fall to get back up stronger.