Andres Mendoza

Andres Mendoza

Name: Andres Mendoza
Age: 22
Major: Biology
College: College of Sciences
Hometown: Brownsville, Texas
High School: Homer Hanna High School 

UTRGV was an easy choice for me. It offered me the best opportunity to continue my education, while still being close to my family. The merge between UTPA and UTB offered a new experience I was eager to join. All the Rio Grande Valley would come together to create something that hadn’t been done in the UT System before.

What made you decide on your current major?
Science has long held an interest in my life. I love to see the dynamics of how things work and flow together in the natural world. Curiosity on how every little thing has its own place and function provides me with the motivation to continue to seek knowledge.

What do you hope to achieve beyond completion of your major?
I would love to say I have the most definitive plan on what to do after I complete my degree. The truth is I don’t. There’re various routes that I’m thinking of taking such as pursuing a master's degree or traveling the world for a bit, but nothing is set in stone yet.

What do you like most about UTRGV?
UTRGV is my home. The Student Union is where I’m currently employed, and it’s amazing. I couldn’t ask for a better group of coworkers and staff. I’m at the university most of the day at least five days a week, but the sense that everyone works together to make the best environment possible for both employees and students makes that time breeze by. I’ve met countless friends and kept up with even more here at UTRGV. These connections are deeply embedded in my heart.

What does being a Vaquero mean to you?
Helping in any way I can and providing a sense of unity and familiarity are what being a Vaquero means to me. I will never turn down an opportunity to make a connection with someone so they can go on and do the same.

What opportunities has UTRGV helped you find throughout your community?
UTRGV provided me with the opportunity to do community service around my city that I never saw myself doing. Working with organizations such as Keep Brownsville Beautiful, or helping at the Carlotta Petrina Museum are experiences that I’m delighted I took part in.

What are a few of your favorite books?
One name is all I have to say for this question, Rick Riordan. With all his books following the adventures of Percy Jackson, and Greek mythology, I can’t fail to not mention his work. I find Greek mythology interesting, and it makes me think of how things actually work.

What’s in your playlist right now?
My music preference is all over the place. It goes from Red Hot Chili Peppers to Mana to Bad Bunny, and then to Phil Collins. Like I said, all over the place.