
My research focuses on understanding the ecological and geographical distribution of endangered, invasive and vector borne diseases species. I have been previously successful in obtaining grants to support my studies and most important, I have obtained support for students participating in those programs.

I have participated with my students in different HESTEC events. For example during the fall of 2016 by presenting our research findings related to: cattle fever ticks, citrus greening disease and Chagas disease research. Students presented their research findings in both English and Spanish. In addition, 6 undergraduate students and 3 graduate students monitored mosquito abundance in four different colonias near McAllen.

Ferialab Biosafety Laboratory students performing research

Cattle Fever Ticks

Citrus Greening

I have served as mentor of high school students. In 2016, for example, my high school student Marcelo Pintos won the first place in oral presentation at the Biology level and the first place of oral presentation at the College of Science level!! His research focused on understanding the rate of infection of kissing bugs, insects that carry a parasite that courses Chagas disease. Marcelo was accepted to UTRGV and continued working in my lab. He won the Engagement Scholarship and did research in my lab during the fall of 2016 and the spring of 2017. After that, he was accepted to participate in our bi-national Zika project. Marcelo moved to Austin, where he will continue his medical studies.

Marcelo Pintos holding Certificate