Every UTRGV Office can be a Sustainable Office

Every department and office at UTRGV is either directly working towards a U.N. Sustainable Development goal, or indirectly contributing to students’ success by putting goals like Responsible Consumption and Strong Institutions into practice. Help UTRGV uphold its commitment to sustainability!


  1. Complete the assessment below and submit my results to the Office for Sustainability.
  2. Incorporate these habits at work and encourage my co-workers to do the same. It’s time to build a habit
  3. Become a Sustainable Development Leader! Work closely with OFS towards a completely sustainable office!


The United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Goals (SG17) guide nations and their citizens towards a more sustainable future. With these goals, I have a frame of reference from which to assess out sustainable development.

  • I have identified how my workplace contributes to a more sustainable world. I know that sustainable development is written into UTRGV’s Mission in the Strategic Plan, and is also a UT System Policy, and I align my behavior towards these institutional goals.
  • I include information and updates about sustainability in staff meetings and new employee orientation.
  • I place sustainability-related signage and reminders in key locations in my office.


Living sustainably means maintaining balanced mental and physical health while working and playing throughout life. Engaging healthy habits can make work more enjoyable as well as safe and efficient!

  • I participate in sustainability events such as Arbor Day, Earth Fest; cultural celebrations hosted by UTRGV; and health initiatives like the Health Fair and UTRGV Living Well Program.
  • I stay active and hydrated. A sedentary lifestyle is an office worker’s biggest health risk. Every hour or so, I encourage my co-workers to stretch or walk for five minutes, and take a water break.
  • I pack a lunch in a reusable container. Eating out every day is expensive, often unhealthy, and leaves a larger carbon footprint than cooking at home.
  • I encourage walking and cycling to work as well as the use of public transportation. I carpool to meeting off-campus.
  • When hosting events, my office or department asks Sodexo, UTRGV’s Dining Service provider, for sustainable options such as healthy meals (reduced sugar, salt, etc.) and reusable dinnerware to reduce waste.


All individuals can make small changes to help our communities. Sustainable utility use habits can help direct my departments budget into things that are more important in the long run. I do my part to help UTRGV meet its system-wide reduction goals.

  • I have changed the setting s on my computers and printers to print double-sided and to enter saving-modes. I reduce my margins to print more material per page
  • My office opens windows blinds to allow natural lighting. In addition to providing more light, natural daylight has been shown to reduce stress and promote human health and potential.
  • My task lighting (desk lamps, etc.) uses LED bulbs.
  • My office uses smart power strips to pull down small electronics that are not being used to reduce standby poor usage. Consider that microwaves and coffee pots are only used a few times a day .
  • I turn off lights when not in use and have placed reminder stickers or signs by lights switches.
  • I share central, energy-efficient refrigerator rather than individual mini-fridges. I have a policy for cleaning and maintaining a safe fridge environment. I regularly take home my reusable containers.
  • I have eliminated space heaters, and report temperature issues to facilities management.
  • I report leaks and dripping faucets to facilities management.


 “Out of sight” does not mean “out of mind” when you are living and working sustainably. The whole life-cycle of materials must be considered. I look die ways to cut down on waste.

  • I share digital versions of documents and meeting agendas instead of printing them for the group, and reduce printing whenever possible. I include a “only print if necessary” message in my email footers.
  • I have designated area for sharing office supplies. I reuse the blank sides of scrap paper as notepads.
  • My office uses reusable kitchen products (ceramic or glass cups/plates and metal utensils) instead of purchasing disposable products (single serve pod products, cutlery, paper, and Styrofoam plates or cups, etc.) My office uses a water cooler or water fountain to refill reusable cups instead of purchasing plastic water bottles.
  • I explore options for reuse of office items, furniture or electronics. All computers replaced by new ones are replaced by UTRGV’s surplus department to be used elsewhere. I contact UTRGV’s IT department to securely erase data from hard drives and other storage media first.
  • I recycle and manage recycling by ensuring proper placement and labeling of bins. I recycle used toner and ink cartridges safely by submitting a pickup request to waste@utrgv.edu


I use my departments purchasing power to make a statement! By shopping form companies that make a commitment to sustainability, I support their goals and encourage other suppliers to demonstrate environmental stewardship.

  • I purchase and use printer paper that is Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)-Certified, 100% Recycled Post-Consumer Paper or made of an alternative to trees such as cotton, banana, tobacco, citrus, coffee, bean, hemp, flax, bamboo, bagasse and recycled fabrics. (Look for the “Green” or “Recycled” icon when looking for products on iShop.)
  • I look for surplus resources before purchasing new office furniture and electronics. If buying new, I purchase ENERGY STAR or EPEAT certified electronics and ethically sourced furniture.
  • I purchase items whose chain of production involves processes that are not harmful to people, animals or the environment. I purchase from companies with a stated goal of reducing their environmental and social impacts as much as possible.
  • If I must use disposable products, I look for sustainable alternatives like wood or bamboo utensils or biodegradable/compostable tableware.
  • Ai purchase in bulk to reduce wasteful packaging and prefers packaging that is recycled/recyclable.
  • I consolidate orders and eliminate purchase orders below $100. Consolidating orders reduces packaging and reduces the emissions and energy associated with transporting my purchases to campus.
  • My office purchases products with reduced toxic or hazardous chemicals, including cleaning supplies.

Questions or Comments?

We invite you to Contact OFS for any questions and to Connect with us through Social Media

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