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Ana Peña-Oliva
Degree Specialist

Office: BMAIN 1.518
Phone: 956-882-8884

Spanish (BA)

Globalization and the Internet Revolution have intensified contact among cultures, and hence an education in multiple languages and technology is an absolute imperative in the new Millennium. Pursuing a B.A. in Spanish not only insures bilingual and bicultural competencies, but also fosters critical and creative thinking skills through the study of literature, linguistics, translation, creative writing, Culture, and cultures. Our program promotes these skills by introducing students to philosophical issues examined in literature and art; to writing and analytical skills; and to the rich cultural complexities of languages, peoples, and nations across the globe.

Spanish Language Placement Requirement

  • Students in the BA in Spanish program must complete a departmental exam to assess Spanish proficiency.
  • Students whose Spanish proficiency requires placement in SPAN 1311, SPAN 1312 or SPAN 2311 will not be permitted to apply any one of these courses to the 36 hours in the major. Hours from these courses may be applicable to free electives. Department Exam can be used to fulfill this requirement. CLEP or AP exams cannot fulfill this requirement.
  • All students must complete 36 hours in the major regardless of whether they are placed above the initial courses in the language sequence.
  • Must complete the following courses with a minimum grade of 'C' or by passing the departmental proficiency exam: 
SPAN 1311 Beginning Spanish I
SPAN 1312 Beginning Spanish II
SPAN 2311 Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 2312 Intermediate Spanish II
SPAN 2314 Intermediate Grammar and Composition
SPAN 3300 Advanced Grammar & Composition I
SPAN 3301 Advanced Grammar & Composition II
SPAN 2313 Spanish for Heritage Language Learners II
SPAN 2315 Spanish for Heritage Language Learners III
SPAN 3313 Advanced Grammar and Composition for Heritage Language Learners I
SPAN 3315 Advanced Grammar and Composition for Heritage Language Learners II

Core Curriculum - 42 hours

The Core Curriculum serves as a broad foundation for the undergraduate degree. All candidates for a bachelor’s degree must achieve core student learning outcomes, including communication, critical thinking, empirical and quantitative skills, teamwork, personal responsibility, and social responsibility, by completing courses within each category or component area of the Core Curriculum as outlined below.

The University has approved specific courses that satisfy Core Curriculum Requirements. Approved courses can be found on the Core Curriculum Page. Students seeking the most efficient way to complete the core curriculum and major or minor requirements are advised to take approved courses that can fulfill both requirements. Although core curriculum courses can also be used to fulfill major or minor requirements, earned credits hours are only applied once.

Major Requirements – 60 hours

This degree plan includes courses that appear in more than one section of the degree plan. Except for core curriculum courses, such courses can only be used to fulfill one requirement on the degree plan and credit hours will only be applied once.

Heritage Language

SPAN 2313 Spanish for Heritage Language Learners II

SPAN 2315 Spanish for Heritage Language Learners III

SPAN 3313 Advanced Grammar & Composition Heritage Language Learners I

SPAN 3315 Advanced Grammar & Composition Heritage Language Learners II


Second Language

SPAN 2312 Intermediate Spanish II

SPAN 2314 Intermediate Grammar and Composition

SPAN 3300 Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition I

SPAN 3301 Advanced Spanish Grammar & Composition II

Choose 3 from

SPAN 3317 Introduction to Spanish Literature

SPAN 3318 Introduction to Latin American Literature

SPAN 3308 Introduction to Latina/o Literature

SPAN 3329 Creative Writing in Spanish

SPAN 3350 Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics

SPAN 3351 Spanish Phonology & Phonetics

Choose 1 from

SPAN 4311 Spanish in Social Context

SPAN 4370 Teaching Spanish as a Heritage Language

Prescribed Electives - 24 hours

This degree plan includes courses that appear in more than one section of the degree plan. Except for core curriculum courses, such courses can only be used to fulfill one requirement on the degree plan and credit hours will only be applied once.

Choose from

SPAN 3338 The Hispanic World

SPAN 4320 The Mexican Novel

SPAN 4321 Mexican Literature

SPAN 4325 Contemporary Spanish Literature

SPAN 4326 Chicano Narrative

SPAN 4331 The Spanish American Short Story

SPAN 4335 Special Topics in Hispanic Literatures

SPAN 4337 Spanish Lyric Poetry

SPAN 4338 Children's Literature in Spanish

SPAN 4350 Spanish Civilization

SPAN 4360 Topics Studies in Hispanic Culture

Choose from

SPAN 4310 Spanish Applied Linguistics

SPAN 4311 Spanish in Social Context

SPAN 4312 History of the Spanish Language

SPAN 4314 Structure of the Spanish Language

SPAN 4315 Acquisition of the Spanish Language

SPAN 4317 Special Topics in Hispanic Linguistics

SPAN 4370 Teaching Spanish as a Heritage Language

Choose from

SPAN 3329 Creative Writing in Spanish

SPAN 3330 CW in Spanish: Narrative

SPAN 3331 CW in Spanish: Poetry and Prose Poetry

SPAN 3333 CW in Spanish: Special Topics

Translation and Interpreting - Choose from

TRSP 3341 Introduction to Spanish/English Translation

TRSP 3342 Advanced Spanish to English Translation

TRSP 3343 Advanced English to Spanish Translation

TRSP 4342 Interpreting

Medical Spanish - Choose from

SPAN 2317 Spanish for Healthcare Professionals I

SPAN 2318 Spanish for Healthcare Professionals II

SPAN 3348 Advanced Spanish for Healthcare Professionals

SPAN 4348 Spanish for Healthcare Professionals and Latino Health

Free Electives - 18 hours

Free elective credit hours at the advanced level may be needed to achieve the institutional minimum of 42 advanced hours.

Advanced Minimum Credit Hours: 42