Manuel Garza

Manuel Garza

Years in the program: 2024

Mentor: Dr. Donald Thomas, Dr. Jason Tidwell, and Mrs. Brenda Galvan

Title of Projects/Presentations:

  • Manuel Garza*, Donald Thomas, Dr. Jason Tidwell, and Mrs. Brenda Galvan. Identifying Tick Derived MicroRNA Targets in Bovine Wound Healing. University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, College of Sciences.

Where I am now:

The opportunities are endless considering the variety of options provided by the EFAS program as of July 2021. However, I fully expect to exercise every resource and responsibility at my current disposal on behalf of the position and situation I am in. Not only by conducting research that contributes to Cattle Fever Tick Eradication efforts, but to those in my life, in and outside of academia and scholarship. Because with my current involvement in the program, I foresee improved professional leadership skills and experience that will ultimately ahear to the requirements of earning a professional engineering (P.E.) license. Along with of course, giving back to my community as it has continually done for me, being that I am from the RGV.