Daniela M. Sanchez

Daniela Sanchez

Years in the program: June 2016-May 2017

Mentors: Dr. Guilherme Klafke and Jason Tidwell

Title of Projects/Products:


Where I am now:

In May of 2017, I graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science in Biology. Thanks to the EFAS program, I was able to get a job at the USDA/APHIS Moore Airfield base as a laboratory technician for the Asian Citrus Psyllid project under Dr. Daniel Flores. I have progressed to a Research Associate I, where I now work with fungal pathogens to provide guidance to farmers when choosing between the various types of mycoinsecticide treatments for their crops or groves.

I am also pursuing my master’s degree in biology, focusing on molecular diagnostics. I am very hopeful for the future, and wherever my studies take me, all the blessings began the moment I joined the EFAS program. This program helped me meet people I was going to work for in the future and opened the doors to infinite possibilities. It helped expand my mind to experiment design and critical thinking, which I am known to accomplish successfully at my job. I hope this program continues for many more generations to come, creating skillful researchers that benefit our communities.