Geekdom's Startup Bootcamp

About Startup Bootcamp

Geekdom's intensive entrepreneurial development weekend is a goal-driven program tailored for aspiring entrepreneurs seeking to lay a strong foundation for their ventures. Over the course of a weekend, participants engage in collaborative learning experiences aimed at providing essential insights and skills necessary for startup success.

Through structured sessions, participants delve into key topics including mastering the Lean Canvas methodology, crafting effective Elevator Pitches, and developing impactful Pitch Decks. Expert guidance and mentorship are integral components of the program, ensuring participants receive personalized support and guidance as they navigate the complexities of entrepreneurship.

By the program's conclusion, participants emerge equipped not only with newfound knowledge but also with a concrete plan of action to propel their startup endeavors forward.

Our Partners

Geekdom is a collaborative coworking space and startup incubator located in San Antonio, Texas. It is designed to support entrepreneurs, tech companies, and creative professionals by providing a community-oriented environment where they can work, collaborate, and grow their businesses. Geekdom offers various resources, including office space, mentorship, networking opportunities, educational workshops, and access to funding. The aim is to foster innovation and entrepreneurship, helping startups and small businesses scale and succeed. Geekdom is an integral part of San Antonio's burgeoning tech and startup ecosystem, contributing to the city's reputation as a growing hub for innovation and technology.