The Failure Institute

Learn from authentic stories and make real connections!

A Global Event

The Failure Institute is a global series of events where stories of business failure are shared. Every month, at events held around the world, we gather three or four individuals willing to face a room full of strangers to share their own screw-ups. These stories range from businesses facing bankruptcy to conflicts between partners, and even products that have had to be pulled from the market. At The Failure Institute, we hold nothing back; we tell it all.

The Purpose

In this event, transparency and honesty are fundamental principles. It's a space where entrepreneurs and business owners can learn from the mistakes and failures of others, thereby avoiding making the same mistakes themselves. Furthermore, by openly sharing failure experiences, the stigma surrounding the concept of failure itself is destigmatized, recognizing it as an inevitable part of the entrepreneurial and business growth process.

Each The Failure Institute event is an opportunity for the business community to learn, be inspired, and connect with other individuals who have experienced similar challenges in their entrepreneurial journeys. Through these stories, a culture of mutual support and collaboration is fostered, where failure becomes an opportunity to learn, grow, and move forward toward success.