StartUp Texas

Supporting Startups on the Border by the Sea & Beyond

Who we are 

Startup Texas stands as a collaborative endeavor between the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Entrepreneurship and Commercialization Center, Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation, and the Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station (for our SBIR/STTR program).

This intensive and immersive 12-week program is facilitated to aid companies in expanding effectively, conducting thorough market research assessments, and refining financial projections. All while fostering valuable connections with local resources and fellow entrepreneurs in the community. Selected founders gather during designated times throughout the program's duration at the eBridge Center for hands-on workshops, mentorship sessions, pitch rehearsals, and much more. The program culminates with a Demo Day event, where each startup presents their company to the public, a panel of discerning judges, industry experts, and potential investors.

Join us in shaping a regional ecosystem of entrepreneurship that champions sustainability, inclusivity, and prosperity. Together, let's innovate, grow, and build the future of entrepreneurship in Brownsville.