Frequently Asked Questions

Are you stuck not finding the answer to your question? We have you covered. Review the Student FAQ's and the Faculty and Staff FAQ's below for more details on the SEI program.

Students FAQ

The Student Experience Internship program, known as SEI for short, is an on-campus internship program for high-achieving undergraduate students looking to gain experience in their field of study or career interest. The SEI program provides students the opportunity to explore their career and develop professional skills, while contributing to the UTRGV community.

Internships under the SEI program are hosted by UTRGV departments and approved by the UTRGV Career Center.

For students to be eligible into the program, they must: 

  • Be an undergraduate student pursuing a bachelor’s degree for the first time at UTRGV
  • Be enrolled 12 credit hours or more, each fall and spring semester(s)
  • Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher with good academic standing
  • Meet SAP (Satisfactory Academic Progress) requirements
  • A minimum of 12 credit hours completed in residence as a full-time student at UTRGV
  • A minimum of 30 credit hours completed for transfer students
  • A maximum of 100 credit hours completed for first time applicants
  • Be a U.S. Citizen, Permanent Resident, or International Student with F-1 Visa. 


  • Graduate, Doctoral, or Post-Doctorate students are not eligible
  • High School graduate or GED (High school students do not qualify)

Students interested in the SEI program will have an opportunity to apply through Handshake when SEI positions are made available (Summer). Note: Dates of SEI postings are tentative and will be made available based on departmental position approval.

SEI approved positions will be posted on Handshake and identified as "Internships". To fine tune your search, filter internships and search “SEI” in the search tab. Available SEI positions will be listed with SEI in the job title (e.g. SEI-Accounting Intern).

When applying, students must upload the following application documents to their Handshake profile: 

  • Current resume
  • Current unofficial transcript
  • Class schedule (for semester you are applying for)

Only SEI eligible students will be allowed to view and apply to SEI internships. This is based on student eligibility requirements including GPA, earned hours, and citizenship. If you believe to be eligible for the SEI program and are unable to apply, please contact the Internship Program Manager, Jack Kaufold, at

The SEI Program will try to post internships that are as diverse as possible for every major. Recent internship opportunities have offered projects/assignments in areas such as graphic design, accounting, research, management, computer science/information technology, biomedical research and more.

Congratulations! Upon receiving your offer, the hosting department will contact the SEI coordinator to confirm your eligibility in the program. Upon approval, students will be required to follow student employment hiring assignments such as completing the following.

I-9 Online 

  • Federal law requires new employees at UTRGV to establish identity and eligibility (social security number) to work in the United States. The I-9 link will be provided to the new hire by their supervisor. Student employee will need to complete all required fields of the I-9 online form presented by their supervisor.

Criminal Background Check (CBC) 

  • Effective 07/18/2016 the hiring individuals meeting the following criteria will need to complete a CBC
  • New employees (being hired for the first time ever part-time or full-time)
  • Break in service of 6 months or more within the last 12 months at UTRGV
  • A position reclassification (Student Employee to Full-time Staff)
  • Transfers or promotions

The SEI program promotes internship opportunities to be one fiscal year in length. This includes both Fall and Spring semesters. There may be cases to which an internship hosted by an approved department will be a single semester. This will be dependent on the department and position(s) offered.

Internships under the SEI program are only to last for one year for each participating student. Your department may decide to continue your employment outside of the program through their own internship offering or under student employment.

Students can participate in the SEI program once. We encourage students to also pursue additional opportunities outside of this program and/or university to receive new internship experiences that will advance their professional development and allow them to obtain a career by the time they graduate.

SEI positions must follow Student Employment policy regarding work hours, therefore, students are only to work a maximum of 19 hours a week. It is encouraged students take full advantage of the maximum working hours to receive all benefits of the program.

No. Students hired under the SEI program are only allowed one working assignment at UTRGV.

When applying to any SEI approved internship, please be mindful of the application period. Department supervisors are doing their best to review and interview the best possible applicant for their position(s). They must also verify each student’s eligibility into the program. This may take some time.

If you have not heard back from the department regarding your application, please follow up with the hosting department via email or phone to inquire on your status. If you receive no response, please contact the Career Center at so we may offer assistance in contacting the department.

We recommend pursuing an internship that is most related to your career field or that you feel you could learn the most from. You are welcome to contact the employer to further review what kind of duties will be assigned to you in that position.

Yes and no. While most positions offered through the SEI program may allow for academic credit, it will ultimately be up to your academic department to give final approval. Each academic department may have their own pre-requisites or requirements in place before enrolling in an internship course. Please consult with your faculty instructor or academic department to confirm your eligibility in receiving academic credit.

For additional questions, please contact the Career Center via email at or by phone (Brownsville: 956-882-5627, Edinburg: 956-665-2243).

Faculty and Staff FAQ

The Student Experience Internship program’s mission is to create meaningful internship experiences on campus for undergraduate students. As an approved SEI host, you receive many benefits of the program.

  • Opportunity for your department to offer an enriching internship experience that allows for students to develop and grow professionally within their field of study or career interest.
  • Increased productivity. A quality intern can make real contributions to productivity, helping full-time staff and faculty avoid becoming overburdened by side projects, and freeing them up to accomplish more creative tasks or tasks that require high-level expertise.
  • Student brings fresh perspectives to old problems. Allowing them to bring in different skills and attributes to projects, assignments, and your department.
  • Foster leadership skills in current staff. As staff members mentor and supervise interns, they will gain valuable leadership skills.
  • Increased visibility of department on campus
  • Upon approval of serving as an SEI host, your positions are funded 100% by the Career Center.

Departments interested in hosting an SEI must submit their request through the online request form when the request period opens. The SEI request period usually takes place early Summer (June) to hire interns for the next fiscal year (Fall through Spring).

At this time, departments can submit requests for no more than two SEI positions. If there is need for more positions and funding is available, you will be contacted for consideration of additional positions to be reviewed.
Yes. If you already have a student working for you, it is very easy to join the program as recruitment tends to be the most challenging part of the process. However, the student will have to meet eligibility requirements and be placed in an internship position approved by the Career Center.

Not always. SEI requests are submitted and approved on a first-come-first-serve basis. If you are interested in becoming an SEI hosting site, you must consider the following.

  1. Does your SEI position meet approval as an internship? It is recommended that you review the SEI Supervisor Handbook to ensure that your position meets qualifications of the program.
  2. Have you reviewed and acknowledged SEI program requirements for faculty/staff as well as students? SEI is not considered a program to hire a student for free. There are expectations and requirements for all parties to commit to.
  3. Have you submitted your SEI request correctly (with an attached internship job description) and in a timely manner?

Should you need guidance, please contact the Career Center Internship Program Manager.

Your SEI approved position is granted to hire a student intern for one year starting Fall through Spring semester. Extensions may be granted for the Summer; however, this is not guaranteed and will be dependent on available funding.

Upon completion of the internship experience, you may choose to hire the student for continued employment; however, compensation will be funded by the department and not under SEI.

Students can participate in the program once. Hiring a new intern is recommended.

Please be advised that the Student Experience Internship (SEI) program is not to be treated similarly to a student employment program where a student is continuously employed under your department. We strongly encourage our hosting departments to continue submitting requests each summer to provide new experiences for new students to participate. We strongly believe that all students should be given opportunities like these to build up on skills and prepare for the professional workforce.

Departments can continue submitting requests to the SEI program. Please be mindful that departments will be evaluated, and the Career Center is being deliberate in ensuring that we are equitably distributing opportunities throughout the university community. It is important for departments to review SEI request submission deadlines.

Yes, funding for SEI positions is limited. Should you have a quality internship to offer undergraduate students, it is recommended to submit your SEI request early when the request period opens.

Once allocations have been issued, funds may be exhausted. If additional funding becomes available, positions that were submitted during the previous request period will be considered.

Note: Email communication will be sent to faculty/staff notifying them of the SEI request period opening to departments.

The Internship Program Manager will inform the supervisor contact via email of their approval or denial of their position request.

Your position request may be denied due to the following reasons.

  • There was insufficient information in the SEI request form (e.g. contact details, missing internship job description, lack of information including job responsibilities or learning outcomes, etc).
  • Your request did not meet internship approval standards or was submitted as a general student employment opportunity (e.g. Office Assistant, Student Mentor, Tutor) which will not be considered SEI.
  • The department or hiring supervisor has ongoing track record of not following SEI program protocols and processes.

SEI requests may expire for the following reason(s).

  • Department was unable to identify and hire an eligible student for their position(s) on time, or before the deadline for an ePAF to be created.

Work study funds are not used under the SEI program. The Career Center funds all SEI positions 100% under direct wage.

Note: Students who receive work study funds through financial aid AND are eligible for the SEI program can apply, however, work study funds will not be applied in the cost center of the student’s ePAF.

SEI approved positions are posted by the Career Center. It is important that requests are submitted with appropriate information and an internship job description for proper review and timely posting process.

SEI approved postings will be listed on the Handshake platform and visible to eligible UTRGV students.

We strongly encourage hosting departments to promote the SEI program and their approved positions to qualified undergraduate students. This can be done in various ways including direct email to eligible students, social media, or other formats best suited for the department.

It is important to first review Student Eligibility Guidelines before offering a position. When verifying student eligibility, it is recommended the supervisor/support staff review the student’s current transcript, advising course history, and/or DegreeWorks (available on Assist). Please consider the GPA (must be 3.00 or higher), enrollment hours for term (12 credit hours required for participation), and overall earned hours (cannot exceed 100 maximum earned hours).

No. The hosting department and/or supervisor will be responsible for creating the ePAF OR identifying an admin/support staff to create an ePAF for their approved position. This process will follow soon after the supervisor has verified that the student meets eligibility for the SEI program.

Note the following details.

  • The supervisor submitting a request for an SEI should be in constant communication with admin/support staff following approval of their position. This is to directly inform the admin/support staff that a position will be created for the department.
  • The supervisor will be responsible in ensuring the admin/support staff receive all required information for ePAF including position number (requested by, funding account code, encumbrance amount, and student information.
  • Supervisor must follow all Student Employment policies and processes in place for any student position on campus.

Yes. As the supervisor to the student, you are responsible in keeping track of student work hours as well as informing them to complete and submit timecards on time. If you are unfamiliar with this process, it is recommended you contact Student Employment,, for review of student employment policies.

If you find yourself in a situation where your intern(s) is not meeting standards set for them, as with any employee, you may wish to terminate their employment at your discretion. However, we do encourage you to first speak with the Internship Program Manager and attempt to resolve any issues with the student directly. If you find yourself in a situation where you no longer desire to remain a part of the Internship Program, please contact the Internship Program Manager immediately.