Message from the Interim Provost - August 11, 2020

Dear Colleagues,

As we approach the fall semester, I want to begin by thanking each and every one of you for your efforts in supporting our students this summer. Our Summer Relief package encouraged students to take advantage of our summer offerings, but it was each of you that provided a top-quality educational experience to meet their demand. 

Fall Preparations

As we approach fall, we have several efforts underway to support our campus community in staying safe while welcoming our students back to an albeit very different fall. 

  • Modalities – The selection of the modalities and the conversion of the courses to match those selections has been nothing short of amazing. Our students are the beneficiaries of this extraordinary effort. Approximately 95% of our courses are in a modality (hybrid or some form of online) that provides us with the flexibility to adjust to the health conditions in our community. For the remaining traditional face-to-face courses, each has been designed to meet CDC social distancing guidelines.
  • Syllabus Template – Preparing the syllabus for each course early and sharing more about the selected modality will be so helpful to students as they plan for a safe and successful return to their studies this fall. 
  • Face Covering Protocol – UTRGV requires face coverings while on campus. It is not easy, but it is the right thing to do on behalf of each other and ourselves. Safety has always been and will continue to be our first priority. 
  • Student COVID-19 reporting – The syllabus includes a section regarding absences and a reference to a forthcoming student reporting protocol. The UTRGV student (and employee) reporting protocol has now been finalized. These are unusual times so please know that we are here to support each other throughout. Please review the protocol and familiarize yourself with it prior to classes beginning; we all need to feel confident about what to do if you or our students experience COVID-19-related symptoms this semester.
  • Fall Relief – Beginning this week, our enrolled students will receive the first of two $500 CARES cash grants. This will be in the hands of our students ahead of the start of the semester to allow them time to invest in technology, course materials, personal expenses, or whatever is needed so they are prepared to return to their studies this fall. 
  • Virtual Convocation – The week of August 17, 2020, the President and I will virtually welcome our faculty and staff to the fall semester. We will share news and updates and will recognize our faculty who have received awards over the last academic year. You will also have the opportunity to hear from your Faculty Senate, Staff Senate, Women’s Faculty Network, and Student Government Association leaders. They have each been working tirelessly on your behalf in preparation for the upcoming academic year. In addition, many college and division convocations will follow. 

Interim Provost Updates

We have many accomplishments to be proud of. 

  • In spite of severe budget cuts, we have successfully stabilized the budgeting process and are prepared to enter what will be a very difficult fiscal year 2021. We were able to do so successfully without the need for any employee furloughs or layoffs. 
  • On Monday, we welcomed 65 new faculty members to join our campus family. Please reach out to those in your department and welcome them personally to our UTRGV community. 
  • In just two weeks, we will be welcoming a record freshman class. Our recruitment and orientation team didn’t let COVID-19 derail their commitment to preparing our students for success this fall. They moved our freshmen orientation and advisement services online, allowing each student to meet one-on-one with an advisor to make informed decisions regarding their fall schedule. Our faculty in turn made sure that our freshmen had the courses they needed. This has been an incredible team effort and our students are once again the beneficiaries. 
  • Our returning students are not allowing COVID-19 to stop their progress either. Our students have taken advantage of Summer and Fall Relief incentives, and have prioritized staying on track for graduation. This is a testament to our students but also to all of you for creating an unparalleled academic experience. 
  • In addition, we will also be welcoming a record number of graduate students. Our Graduate College and college faculty have worked diligently over the last year to support the ever-increasing demand for our graduate programs.
  • We are also on a trajectory for record research expenditures. Over the next few months, we will be examining the recommendations in a report completed by Huron to strengthen our research infrastructure. 

As you can see, the theme is perseverance. In spite of COVID-19, our students, faculty and staff have reinvented and persevered.

Organizational Updates

  • Faculty Success and Diversity – Be on the lookout for a job posting for an Associate Provost for Faculty Success and Diversity. The importance of this office cannot be overstated. The search is for a tenured UTRGV faculty member with energy and vision to design programs and development opportunities to serve our diverse and growing faculty community. I want to thank Dr. Selina Mireles for her contributions over the last year. 
  • Student Success – Dr. Jonikka Charlton continues to lead our division of Student Success. Effective September 1, she will be the Associate Provost for Student Success and will continue as Dean of University College. Much is happening in Student Success with several new programs coming on board this academic year. The Student Success Steering Council continues to serve as an advisory group to inform our efforts, with representatives from all colleges, Strategic Enrollment, Student Affairs, Student Success, University College, Auxiliary Services, Institutional Accreditation, and Curriculum and Institutional Assessment. Strong collaboration with faculty, staff, and students across the university is critical as the division oversees the student success work for the entire campus community.  
  • Strategic Enrollment and Student Affairs – Dr. Maggie Hinojosa serves as Sr. Vice President and now leads one of the largest divisions. The division includes programs and services that support the entire student lifecycle and UTRGV community. The combination of enrollment and student affairs has allowed for critical and seamless collaboration among units. This reorganization and the collaborative approach with Student Success and our colleges is already resulting in enrollment, retention, and graduation rate increases.
  • Office of Curriculum and Institutional Assessment – Dr. Laura Saenz, Associate Vice President, continues to lead our institution-wide efforts in assessment and continuous improvement. Her office also supports Student Success core curriculum assessment efforts and the evaluation of the QEP. She will now oversee the institution’s curriculum review and approval processes for undergraduate and graduate programs. Her office coordinates with Strategic Enrollment to ensure accurate implementation of programs in DegreeWorks, Banner, the university catalogs, and the course schedule. She also leads institutional efforts to develop articulation agreements with our community college partners.   
  • Office of Institutional Accreditation – Dr. Christine Shupala, Associate Vice President, continues to oversee all things accreditation. She serves as our SACSCOC liaison and oversees institution-wide accreditation efforts, including SACSCOC reporting, substantive change, and faculty credentialing. She also coordinates the specialized/program accreditation and program review processes in collaboration with all programs/colleges. She will now coordinate the institution’s new program development process, in collaboration with the new program development team, providing support for the development of new program proposals and coordinating external review and approval processes. She and Dr. Saenz share responsibility for the review and approval of educational partnerships, affiliation agreements, and memoranda of understanding between programs/colleges and external agencies.

In closing, we are excited about the opportunities this updated structure will support, including increased communication and collaboration across the institution. Ultimately these changes will support and enhance the institution’s efforts to provide high quality programs and services that support our faculty and students.



Janna Arney, Ph.D.

Deputy President and Interim Provost